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Are You Actively Seeking a New Opportunity?


     We have a database structured to assist you in the job hunting process. Understand, that our job is to place you in the best employment situation and the way to do that is to know what makes a new opportunity better than your current or past employer. We then take those desires, package them and present you to the client. After that, it will be up to you to decide if what they come back with works for you. No matter what, we want you to be happy and will work hard for you now and in the future.



How Do You Get Started?


     The first step in the job transition journey is to refine and submit your most updated resume for consideration. Make sure include a seperate cover letter to our office that provides an indepth description of what your dream opportunity

would look like. What this does is help us have a starting point to work from when presenting you with an open position. Time is precious and we do not desire to waist any of it presenting you with opportunities that are not going to advance your career and goals in the medical device industry. 



Limiting the care you take with your communications: E-mail is often viewed as an informal communication medium where typos and slang are not only appropriate, but expected. When you’re looking for a job, however, e-mail is strictly a business communication. Every message makes an impression on the recruiter and other representatives of the employer who receive it, and that impression becomes a part of the data used to evaluate you. To make the right impression, carefully edit and proofread every message before you send it off. Don’t use stilted or flowery language, but do be formal and professional in what you write. Take the time and make the effort to eliminate grammatical errors and misspellings and ensure that your points are clearly and accurately expressed. Doing so tells the employer that you take pride in what you do, and that attribute makes you a stronger candidate.

Watch: Interview Skills - Don't go to an interview until you have watched this. 4 important steps


Interview skills training, Interview skills questions and answers tutorial written by author of leading Interview skills books. 

Watch: Tell me about yourself - The perfect answer.


Tell me about yourself? Interview skills questions and answers tutorial. 
Tell me about yourself is a the most common interview question, listen to this excellent training to help 

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